2025 Spring Baseball League - 5u T-Ball Division    (March 2025)
2025 Spring Baseball League - 5u T-Ball Division Standings
  W  L  T  WP  PTS  PA  PF Calendar Sync
Bad News Bears 0000.000000
Blue Jay Bombers 0000.000000
Bruisers 0000.000000
Cajuns 0000.000000
Cougars 0000.000000
Cubs/Shirley 0000.000000
Cubs/Polk 0000.000000
T-Ball T-Wrecks 0000.000000
Glitter Girls 0000.000000
Hawks 0000.000000
Little Dragons 0000.000000
Lugnuts 0000.000000
Mini Knights 0000.000000
Tballers 0000.000000
The Heartbreakers 0000.000000
The Lion Queens 0000.000000
Tiny Tigers 0000.000000
Tiny Titans 0000.000000
2025 Spring Baseball League - 5u T-Ball Division Schedule
DateHome AwayTime/StatusVenueGame TypeOfficials
Fri-Mar 14   Bad News Bears  v  Bruisers 5:30 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   Cubs/Shirley  v  Glitter Girls 5:30 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   Lugnuts  v  The Heartbreakers 5:30 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   Tballers  v  Tiny Tigers 6:40 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   Blue Jay Bombers  v  Cougars 6:40 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   T-Ball T-Wrecks  v  Little Dragons 6:40 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   The Lion Queens  v  Tiny Titans 6:40 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   Cajuns  v  Cubs/Polk 7:50 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   Hawks  v  Mini Knights 7:50 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Blue Jay Bombers  v  Glitter Girls 5:30 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   T-Ball T-Wrecks  v  The Heartbreakers 5:30 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Cajuns  v  Little Dragons 5:30 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Cubs/Shirley  v  Mini Knights 6:40 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Hawks  v  Tiny Tigers 6:40 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Bruisers  v  Cubs/Polk 6:40 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Lugnuts  v  Tiny Titans 6:40 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Tballers  v  The Lion Queens 7:50 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Bad News Bears  v  Cougars 7:50 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   T-Ball T-Wrecks  v  Tiny Titans 5:30 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Blue Jay Bombers  v  Mini Knights 5:30 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Bad News Bears  v  Cubs/Polk 5:30 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Cajuns  v  The Heartbreakers 6:40 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Bruisers  v  Little Dragons 6:40 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Hawks  v  The Lion Queens 6:40 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Cougars  v  Glitter Girls 6:40 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Cubs/Shirley  v  Tiny Tigers 7:50 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Lugnuts  v  Tballers 7:50 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 4   Mini Knights  v  Bruisers 5:30 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 4   Tiny Titans  v  Cajuns 5:30 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 4   Bad News Bears  v  The Lion Queens 6:40 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 4   Hawks  v  Lugnuts 6:40 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 4   T-Ball T-Wrecks  v  Tballers 6:40 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 4   Cubs/Polk  v  Little Dragons 7:50 PM Chabill's Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 4   Tiny Tigers  v  Blue Jay Bombers 7:50 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 11   Bruisers  v  Tiny Titans 5:30 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 11   Cubs/Shirley  v  Lugnuts 5:30 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 11   The Lion Queens  v  Blue Jay Bombers 5:30 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 11   Tiny Tigers  v  Cougars 6:40 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 11   Tballers  v  Cajuns 6:40 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 11   Cubs/Polk  v  The Heartbreakers 6:40 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 11   T-Ball T-Wrecks  v  Hawks 6:40 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 11   Bad News Bears  v  Little Dragons 7:50 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 11   Glitter Girls  v  Mini Knights 7:50 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 25   Glitter Girls  v  The Lion Queens 5:30 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 25   Blue Jay Bombers  v  T-Ball T-Wrecks 5:30 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 25   Hawks  v  Bruisers 5:30 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 25   Tballers  v  Cubs/Polk 6:40 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 25   Lugnuts  v  Cougars 6:40 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 25   Cajuns  v  Cubs/Shirley 6:40 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 25   Mini Knights  v  Tiny Tigers 6:40 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 25   The Heartbreakers  v  Bad News Bears 7:50 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-Apr 25   Little Dragons  v  Tiny Titans 7:50 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-May 2   Glitter Girls  v  Lugnuts 5:30 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-May 2   Blue Jay Bombers  v  Cajuns 5:30 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-May 2   Cougars  v  T-Ball T-Wrecks 5:30 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-May 2   Bruisers  v  Cubs/Shirley 6:40 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-May 2   Mini Knights  v  The Lion Queens 6:40 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-May 2   Tiny Tigers  v  Bad News Bears 6:40 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-May 2   Little Dragons  v  Tballers 6:40 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-May 2   The Heartbreakers  v  Tiny Titans 7:50 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-May 2   Cubs/Polk  v  Hawks 7:50 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-May 9   Little Dragons  v  Hawks 5:30 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-May 9   Cubs/Polk  v  Cubs/Shirley 5:30 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-May 9   Tiny Titans  v  Bad News Bears 5:30 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-May 9   Cougars  v  Cajuns 6:40 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-May 9   Glitter Girls  v  T-Ball T-Wrecks 6:40 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-May 9   Bruisers  v  Blue Jay Bombers 6:40 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-May 9   The Heartbreakers  v  Tballers 6:40 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-May 9   Mini Knights  v  Lugnuts 7:50 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-May 9   Tiny Tigers  v  The Lion Queens 7:50 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   Tiny Titans  v  Cubs/Polk 9:00 AM Chabill's Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   Lugnuts  v  Blue Jay Bombers 10:10 AM Chabill's Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   Cajuns  v  Hawks 11:20 AM Chabill's Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   Mini Knights  v  Bad News Bears 12:30 PM Chabill's Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   Little Dragons  v  The Heartbreakers 1:40 PM Chabill's Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   Cubs/Shirley  v  T-Ball T-Wrecks 2:50 PM Chabill's Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   Glitter Girls  v  The Heartbreakers 2:50 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   The Lion Queens  v  Cougars 3:00 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   Cougars  v  Cubs/Shirley 4:00 PM Chabill's Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   Glitter Girls  v  Tiny Tigers 4:00 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Sat-May 10   Tballers  v  Bruisers 4:00 PM UCB Field Regular 
Fri-May 16   The Lion Queens  v  Bad News Bears 5:30 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-May 16   Cougars  v  Bruisers 5:30 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-May 16   Little Dragons  v  Cubs/Shirley 5:30 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-May 16   Tiny Tigers  v  Lugnuts 6:40 PM Hooters Field Regular 
Fri-May 16   The Heartbreakers  v  Hawks 6:40 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-May 16   Cubs/Polk  v  Blue Jay Bombers 6:40 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
Fri-May 16   Glitter Girls  v  Cajuns 6:40 PM Sherman & Balhoff Field Regular 
Fri-May 16   Tiny Titans  v  Tballers 7:50 PM Miracle League Field Regular 
Fri-May 16   Mini Knights  v  T-Ball T-Wrecks 7:50 PM Relief Windows Field Regular 
League Players
1 Bad News Bears Andrew Bares 
2 Bad News Bears Luke Boudreaux 
3 Bad News Bears Paxton Dugas 
4 Bad News Bears Graham Edgens 
5 Bad News Bears Jameson Falgoust 
6 Bad News Bears David Farr 
7 Bad News Bears Banks Hadden 
8 Bad News Bears William Maxwell 
9 Bad News Bears Myles Mayeux 
10 Bad News Bears Luke Miller 
11 Bad News Bears Alvaro Morales 
12 Bad News Bears William Sanders 
13 Bad News Bears Gary Simms, III 
14 Bad News Bears Pierce Sloan 
15 Blue Jay Bombers Porter Andrepont 
16 Blue Jay Bombers William barbay 
17 Blue Jay Bombers Elijah Malbrough 
18 Blue Jay Bombers Brooks Miremont 
19 Blue Jay Bombers Griffin North 
20 Blue Jay Bombers Henry O'Banion 
21 Blue Jay Bombers O'Neil Parenton 
22 Blue Jay Bombers Parker Saale 
23 Blue Jay Bombers Joseph Sanchez 
24 Blue Jay Bombers Cooper Schneider 
25 Blue Jay Bombers Felix Selig 
26 Blue Jay Bombers Fields Williams 
27 Blue Jay Bombers Benji Woodward 
28 Bruisers Joseph Bankston 
29 Bruisers Shepherd Bergeron 
30 Bruisers Navy Boulanger 
31 Bruisers Charlie Chastain 
32 Bruisers Matthew Eyre 
33 Bruisers Bear Gastinel 
34 Bruisers Graham Godbery 
35 Bruisers Wyatt LaVie 
36 Bruisers Archie Palombo 
37 Bruisers Matthew Perry 
38 Bruisers Davis Roussel 
39 Bruisers Hayes Thames 
40 Cajuns Landon Caswell 
41 Cajuns Brody Dedon 
42 Cajuns Odin Gore 
43 Cajuns Keller Harris 
44 Cajuns Lucas Hines 
45 Cajuns Everett Hottes 
46 Cajuns Barrett Laney 
47 Cajuns Max Passariello 
48 Cajuns Ryder Schermer 
49 Cajuns Madden Songy 
50 Cajuns Wade David Whisnant 
51 Cougars Cameron Byland 
52 Cougars Sully Campbell 
53 Cougars Henry Finch 
54 Cougars Berkley Flint 
55 Cougars kru kogel 
56 Cougars August Lambert 
57 Cougars Matthew Nero 
58 Cougars James Overholt 
59 Cougars Bowen Shreve 
60 Cougars Jacob Smith 
61 Cougars Nolan Stoufflet 
62 Cougars Cullen Thibodeaux 
63 Cougars Anthony Vegas 
64 Cougars Owen Vidrine 
65 Cougars Rett Wilson 
66 Cubs/Polk Sullivan Chatelain 
67 Cubs/Polk John Ryan Chenevert 
68 Cubs/Polk Greyson Cooper 
69 Cubs/Polk Jacob David 
70 Cubs/Polk Nash Marbury 
71 Cubs/Polk Clayton Mounger 
72 Cubs/Polk William Mullin 
73 Cubs/Polk Davis Nichols 
74 Cubs/Polk Bryan Nuss 
75 Cubs/Polk Jude Ourso 
76 Cubs/Polk Jacob Polk 
77 Cubs/Polk Jensen Rentz 
78 Cubs/Shirley William Barham 
79 Cubs/Shirley Leland Brokaw 
80 Cubs/Shirley Coleman Burland 
81 Cubs/Shirley Conner Byrd 
82 Cubs/Shirley Reid Carr 
83 Cubs/Shirley Angus Craig 
84 Cubs/Shirley Patrick Fontenette 
85 Cubs/Shirley Dixon Hurley 
86 Cubs/Shirley Hayes Rathmann 
87 Cubs/Shirley Stuart Shirley 
88 Cubs/Shirley Miles Short 
89 Cubs/Shirley Sagan Simpson 
90 Glitter Girls Ellie Apple 
91 Glitter Girls Maggie Apple 
92 Glitter Girls Isla Babin 
93 Glitter Girls Parker Byland 
94 Glitter Girls Audrie Cormier 
95 Glitter Girls Finley Free 
96 Glitter Girls Reese Gosserand 
97 Glitter Girls Evelyn Kleinpeter 
98 Glitter Girls Merritt Lanius 
99 Glitter Girls Abigail Morgan 
100 Glitter Girls Zoe Rachel 
101 Glitter Girls Abigail Viviano 
102 Hawks Cooper Banta 
103 Hawks Addalyn Carroll 
104 Hawks Christian Causey 
105 Hawks Amelia Cobb 
106 Hawks Blair Haigler 
107 Hawks Alyce Grace Klingman 
108 Hawks Mac LaRose 
109 Hawks Rowan Mounce 
110 Hawks Dixon Philippe 
111 Hawks Tyler Skains 
112 Hawks Max Warren 
113 Hawks Parker Zeringue 
114 Little Dragons Jack Cobb 
115 Little Dragons Miles Donald 
116 Little Dragons Jack Donald 
117 Little Dragons Leon Duhe 
118 Little Dragons Eli Ferrara 
119 Little Dragons Grayson Free 
120 Little Dragons Charlotte Hays 
121 Little Dragons Evan LeBlanc 
122 Little Dragons Madison May 
123 Little Dragons Camila Neale 
124 Little Dragons James Pinson 
125 Little Dragons Mac Robinson 
126 Little Dragons James Sanders 
127 Little Dragons Frank “Cort” Sotile 
128 Lugnuts Sebastian Ashworth 
129 Lugnuts Stella Ashworth 
130 Lugnuts Van Bologna 
131 Lugnuts Harper John Clark 
132 Lugnuts David Cole 
133 Lugnuts Luke Cusimano 
134 Lugnuts Mitchell Dorn 
135 Lugnuts James Gamble 
136 Lugnuts Will Hines 
137 Lugnuts Andrew Marsden 
138 Lugnuts Mason Mizell 
139 Lugnuts Bowman Voth 
140 Mini Knights Kyler Booluck 
141 Mini Knights Caitlin DeDeaux 
142 Mini Knights Max Gomez 
143 Mini Knights Luke Hammack 
144 Mini Knights Bennett Harton 
145 Mini Knights Sloane King 
146 Mini Knights Shep Kline 
147 Mini Knights Wes Litel 
148 Mini Knights Meryl Musso 
149 Mini Knights Dell Nikolaus 
150 Mini Knights Maddox Pizzolato 
151 Mini Knights Brantley Robichaux 
152 Mini Knights Carson Thibodeaux 
153 T-Ball T-Wrecks Drew Boykin 
154 T-Ball T-Wrecks Harrison Brumbaugh 
155 T-Ball T-Wrecks Beau Dirmann 
156 T-Ball T-Wrecks Benjamin FUSILIER 
157 T-Ball T-Wrecks Mason Genre 
158 T-Ball T-Wrecks James Gora 
159 T-Ball T-Wrecks Benjamin Hackler 
160 T-Ball T-Wrecks Bates Magee 
161 T-Ball T-Wrecks Evie Miller 
162 T-Ball T-Wrecks Samuel Milligan 
163 T-Ball T-Wrecks Brody Vincent 
164 Tballers Austin Abendroth 
165 Tballers Katie Biossat 
166 Tballers Charles Cusimano 
167 Tballers Daniel Dragovic 
168 Tballers Barksdale Hastings 
169 Tballers Wesley Lamy 
170 Tballers Briggs LeBlanc 
171 Tballers Royce LeBouef 
172 Tballers Adrien Moffatt 
173 Tballers Ethan Moreau 
174 Tballers Tripp Rush 
175 Tballers Brock Townsley 
176 The Heartbreakers Cora Bethel 
177 The Heartbreakers Camille Bourgeois 
178 The Heartbreakers Adele Bourgeois 
179 The Heartbreakers Sadie Frantz 
180 The Heartbreakers Charlotte Gibbens 
181 The Heartbreakers Emma Guidry 
182 The Heartbreakers Lily Legendre 
183 The Heartbreakers Sarah Mulé 
184 The Heartbreakers Lydia Porter 
185 The Heartbreakers Natalie Smith 
186 The Heartbreakers Ellison Trahan 
187 The Heartbreakers Blythe Waguespack 
188 The Lion Queens Madison Barclay 
189 The Lion Queens Noa Boulanger 
190 The Lion Queens May Carville 
191 The Lion Queens Reese Clark 
192 The Lion Queens Collins Corbin 
193 The Lion Queens Olivia Cruice 
194 The Lion Queens Olivia Demma 
195 The Lion Queens Elizabeth Dicharry 
196 The Lion Queens Haley Hedden 
197 The Lion Queens Michelle Hultberg 
198 The Lion Queens Lilia Jane Miranda 
199 The Lion Queens Madelyn Pipes 
200 The Lion Queens Ava Pocorello 
201 The Lion Queens Kari Rills 
202 The Lion Queens Audrey Scott 
203 The Lion Queens Piper Simpson 
204 Tiny Tigers Benson Bourgeois 
205 Tiny Tigers Hayes Fos 
206 Tiny Tigers Ace Haynes 
207 Tiny Tigers Mile Jacobs 
208 Tiny Tigers Eloise Landry 
209 Tiny Tigers Hayes LeBlanc 
210 Tiny Tigers Rainey Liner 
211 Tiny Tigers Carson Meek 
212 Tiny Tigers Archer Robertson 
213 Tiny Tigers Kruze Webber 
214 Tiny Tigers Luke Williams 
215 Tiny Titans Charlie Baldwin 
216 Tiny Titans Thomas Cancienne 
217 Tiny Titans Henry DeLarue 
218 Tiny Titans Graham Fougerousse 
219 Tiny Titans Collin Gahagan 
220 Tiny Titans Carter Gibson 
221 Tiny Titans Beau Gilbert 
222 Tiny Titans Asher Milliman 
223 Tiny Titans Hayes Roethele 
224 Tiny Titans AJ Walter 
225 Tiny Titans Evelyn Welter